21 Awesome Ways to Use Essential Oils to Freshen and Clean
You probably know that essential oils have calming and healing effects, but did you know they can be used for cleaning too?
Using essential oils around your homeis a natural way to freshen and clean your living space. Whether you are finishing up your spring cleaning or preparing for summer barbecues, these essential oil tricks will prepare you for anything.
Here are a few unique ways you can use essential oils to freshen up your life!
1. Keep Pests at Bay
Keep spiders and rodents at bay with peppermint essential oil. These creepy critters can’t stand peppermint! Add 10-15 drops of the essential oil to a spray bottle with water and spray in the cracks and gaps where spiders and rodents enter your home. For extra protection, add one or two drops of peppermint oil to a cotton ball and leave it in common entrance places, such as doorways and basements.
2. Keep Fruit Fresh
To keep your fruit fresh, wash fruit in a bowl of cool water with two to six drops of lemon essential oil. Stir the fruit in the bowl and leave it long enough for the food to pick up the essential oils. This will help increase the shelf life of your fruit, leaving it bright and ripe for a few extra days.
3. Eliminate Shower Curtain Scum
Essential oils can be used to get rid of shower curtain scum. Use a spray bottle filled with warm water, four drops of eucalyptus essential oil and four drops of tea tree oil (melaleuca). Spray this mixture onto your shower curtain for cleaning and then onto your tub. Leave the mixture to help fight mold when the curtain is back in place.
4. Freshen Your Home
To freshen the air in your home, use essential oils in your air filters. Every time you change your filters, add a few drops of your favorite essential oils before replacing them. Essential oils kill microbes in your ducts and will leave a pleasant scent throughout the house. Use cinnamon essential oil to clean the air with its anti-microbial properties or diffuse clove, rosemary or orange essential oils when guests come over to blow them away with your home’s fresh scent.
5. Freshen Your Fridge
When cleaning out your fridge or freezer, use lime, grapefruit or lemongrass essential oils in your final rinse. It will leave your refrigerator with a refreshing scent and help to neutralize any mold that might be creeping into your fridge.
6. Freshen Your Car
Keep your car smelling fresh with essential oils. The scent of essential oils are subtle and are easy to refill, making them the perfect car freshener. Try using an essential oil car diffuser to keep the scent longer and from overpowering your vehicle. Use lavender oil to relieve tension or rose oil to boost your mood on the way to work.
7. Stay Safe in the Sun
You can create your own homemade, toxic-free sunscreen using essential oils. Mix coconut oil, zinc oxide, shea butter, helichrysum oil and lavender essential oil in a bottle and store for summer. This natural sunscreen will help protect your skin from damage at the park or neighborhood barbecue.
8. Sleep Tight
To help you and your loved ones sleep better, place a few drops of lavender essential oil on a blanket or pillow, or add a few drops to a spray bottle with water and use it to freshen your sheets when making the bed. Keep the bottle with you on vacation and spray your hotel room to kill microbes and deodorize the room.
9. Scour Dirty Pans
Clean out burnt pans with lemon essential oil. Boil water in the dirty pot or pan and add a few drops of lemon oil to remove burnt residue or stuck foods. You can also add a few drops of lemon oil to the dishwasher soap compartment before washing to leave your dishes spot-free.
10. Freshen Your Gym Bag
Keep germs out of your gym bag with essential oils. Fill a spray bottle with water and a drop of tea tree and lavender essential oils to refresh your bag, shoes and yoga mat after a day at the gym. For smelly shoes, pick your favorite essential oil and put two drops on a cotton ball. Place a cotton ball in each shoe to find them refreshed in the morning.
11. Control Flies
Open windows and outdoor cooking are some of the great perks of summer. But, these activities can attract pesky flies that ruin dinners. To create a barrier against flies at your next cookout, mix 25 drops of peppermint or lavender essential oils with water in a spray bottle. Use the mixture on windows, doors and dining tables. Make sure to shake well before use.
12. Eliminate the Smell of Smoke
If you smoke or live next to someone who does, you can easily eliminate the smell of cigarette smoke with a few drops of essential oils. Put four drops of rosemary, tea tree and eucalyptus essential oils in a spray bottle and spray near your patio or in your car to neutralize odors.
13. Preserve Your Leather
To preserve leather jackets, sofas and shoes, use essential oils to clean them. Soak a cloth in lemon essential oil and wipe down leather items. This will help keep the material from splitting and preserve the color.
14. Scour the Sink
You can create an all-natural kitchen sink scrub to make your sink shine without using harmful chemicals. Make the mix using half a cup of baking soda, one-third cup of vinegar, and five drops of bergamot and lime essential oils. Use this mixture to scrub the sink and then rinse with warm water. Your kitchen sink will shine like new!
15. Freshen Your Home While Vacuuming
Use your favorite essential oils when vacuuming to leave a fresh scent after cleaning. Add a cotton ball with a few drops of peppermint, spearmint or pine essential oils to your vacuum cleaner bag or collector cup for a refreshing scent. If you have dogs, use geranium essential oil to clear your carpets of canine smells.
16. Freshen the Bathroom
Make your own bathroom freshener with natural essential oils. To neutralize unpleasing scents and freshen up your bathroom, apply a few drops of citrus, rose or lavender essential oils to a cotton ball and place it behind the toilet.
17. Reduce Mold
Eliminate mold in your home with an essential oil diffuser. Fill it with fungus-fighting tea tree oil or anti-microbial cinnamon essential oils. For a more direct mold defense, mix tea tree oil with grapefruit seed extract and vinegar. The grapefruit seed helps to neutralize the smell of the vinegar while all three ingredients work together to stop mold in its tracks.
18. Make Powerful Solvent
You can create a powerful solvent with lemon or wild orange essential oils. Use a few drops to remove price stickers, get gum out of the carpet, or clean sap off gardening tools. For eliminating tough gunk, leave the essential oils for a few minutes before removing.
19. Camp in Peace
Make camping and backyard fires a breeze with natural mosquito repellent. Protect yourself and your s’mores from mosquitoes with an essential oil bug spray made of one drop of lemongrass, citronella and eucalyptus essential oils mixed with one teaspoon of coconut oil. Rub the mixture on exposed skin for protection all night long.
20. Keep Fishy Smells Away
Does your kitchen smell of fish or onions after cooking? Get rid of unwanted kitchen smells by adding a few drops of clove, cinnamon or any citrus essential oils to a simmering pan of water. You’ll be able to cook a delicious fish dinner without worrying about the smell taking over your kitchen.
21. Freshen Your Linens and Clothes
For cozy towels, sheets and clothes, add five drops of rose essential oil to water and pour it into the center cup of your washer. Finish the laundry by soaking a small piece of terry cloth in lavender, rose or ylang ylang essential oils and tossing it into the dryer. If you are looking to get rid of mites, use eucalyptus to clean your linens and clothes. These essential oils will leave your clothes feeling soft and smelling fresher than ever.
Essential oils are one of the most useful natural tools for home remedies and fresh cleaning supplies. Get the most out of your oils with 100 percent natural products from Nature’s Sunshine’s authentic oils. Nature’s Sunshine promises the oils will be the highest quality and made authentically, so you know you’re getting the most out of your essential oils. Find other ways to use essential oils by reading “Best Essential Oil Uses: 5 Must Have Oils & How to Use Them [Pro Tips]”
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